Trends for Typography

“Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make the language it forms most appealing to transparent learning and recognition” (Codeboxr). Trends in typography are always changing and evolving, but here are a few examples of the current trends being used on the web. Larger fonts are being used because desktop screens are becoming larger, giving web designers more screen to fill and design. Another new thing with typography is that “bold” is no longer the only other font weight available. There are many different weights ranging from “ultra light” to “ultra bold.” Many web designers are also using the larger fonts and more letter-spacing to achieve a very minimal designs to get the point across without all of the fancy graphics. Web fonts service providers, such as Google Web Fonts, allows designers to use pretty much any font, which means websites can be more unique and eye catching ( Google Web Graphics is one method that is being used to implement typography on the web, but there are other methods as well. A few of the other methods being used are CSS3 @font-face, Cufon Font Replacement, Scalable Inman Flash Replacement, Facelift Image Replacement, and Fahrner Image Replacement ( These different trends in typography and methods used to implement typography are drastically changing the way web designers use typography and are allowing them to be more creative when designing websites.
